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Webinar - An Hour with Dana McCauley

  • 13 May 2020
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Webinar
  • 10


  • A registration code is required
  • FREE for CIFST members in good standing

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Webinar: An Hour with Dana McCauley

Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology and Food in Canada , Canada's food and beverage processing magazine, have partnered to deliver a webinar with CIFST members and stakeholders on Wednesday, May 13th from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. EST.

In lieu of a speaker's fee, CIFST will be making a donation to The Seed. The SEED is a not-for-profit food project at the Guelph Community Health Centre that was created in 2015 by a coalition of community organizations and individuals. To make your own donation click the logo below. 

How Food and Ingredient Companies should Re-evaluate their Innovation Pipeline after COVID 19

Just weeks ago, the big trends in consumer packaged foods were plant-based alternatives to meat and dairy, keto diet appropriate foods and sustainable convenience. Then, in the first week of March, everything changed. Carb conscious consumers started baking bread; everyone rediscovered their kitchens; and, journalists and industry insiders started worrying about the health of our meat and dairy supply chains. As the Canadian and global economies begin to re-calibrate in the coming months, how should food innovation teams and marketers approach new product development? Will the projects in their new product pipelines remain relevant to post-COVID19 consumers? Or will tastes and trends have changed? In a time when businesses will be wanting to invest R&D dollars carefully, it will be more important than ever to understand what product launches will resonate with consumers.  Join veteran food product developer and front end marketer Dana McCauley for a discussion about how to fill your company’s innovation pipeline in the post COVID economy.

 Event Details:

Wednesday, May 13, 2020
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. EST

Our Speaker:

Dana McCauley - Director, New Venture Creation, Research Innovation Office, University of Guelph

Dana McCauley has a nose for the new and throughout her career she has combined an interest in food and insights on global food trends to bring profitable concepts that fulfill unmet consumer needs to market. As Director of New Venture Creation Dana’s mandate is to enable Canada's smartest agri-food researchers to transform their insights into commercial value. Dana was recognized as a Canada’s Most Powerful Women: Top 100 Award Winner in 2017, an honour celebrating female leaders who inspire others.


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